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Melcherrii Fitness

My Weight-loss Story

On January 1, 2018 I decided to make a change in my life. I was 183+
pounds, unhealthy, and depressed. I was on the verge of having high blood
pressure due to my poor eating habits and lack of exercise.

 How I gained the weight? 

On 10/15/16 I gave birth to my son. Prior to having him I was always very
skinny regardless of my unhealthy eating habits. I ate whatever and remained skinny.
During my pregnancy I gained 60+ pounds and 6 months after giving birth I continued to keep gaining weight. I was enrolled
full time in school, raising a newborn, and had a lot of things going on in my
family. I was in a horrible place and began eating away my stress. I indulged
in wings, burgers, Doritos, and skittles on a DAILY. Those were my favorite sad food.
Often I tried quick diets I found online to get a quick solution to a huge
issue. Diets ranging from the omad diet, egg diet etc! Nothing worked because I always ended up binging. 

What initiated the change? 

So it was New Years Eve. I barely took photos, I was always breathing heavy due to being out of shape, and I wouldn't leave the house without my waist trainer. I sat down and told myself enough is enough. Today is going to be the day I make a permanent change. I said no to a diet and YES to a lifestyle. I sat down and created a realistic plan. Through alot of sweat, tears, and poor form.. I pushed through! In my first month I lost 30lbs due to my consistency and dedication. This change helped me figure out the meaning of self-love and changed my life for the better.

 I’m sharing this because
the feeling I get when I get positive emails and dms from people saying I
changed their life, is the best one ever. I wish on my journey I found a plan
at an affordable rate and had someone I could contact throughout my journey. So
I am that person for you guys. My weight-loss guide is here to help those who
need someone to hold their hands the entire journey. And my sets include everything I wish I was told would help me along my fitness journey!